Because I Don't Do Scrapbooks...

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Good-Bye 90 Plus Degrees

First of all, I'm not ready to talk about this weekend's Razorback game so in true southern fashion, let's change the subject to something less abrasive. Let's talk about the weather.
I am loving the cooler temps and so is the husband and dog. We've taken a few treks outdoors lately. To Beau it's a chance for target practice with his bow and other pre-hunting related activities. To me it's getting away from work and enjoying the fresh air. And to Mamie... well, she's just glad to be a part. Period.

A boy and his dog.

This is my new favorite picture of Mamie. It pretty much sums her up.

Is that a deer bedding down for the evening? Oh no, it's just a beagle/heeler.

This past Sunday we made a trip to Hot Springs, where Beau's parents live. They have some beautiful land where we spent most of the day enjoying the weather.

Beau proceeded to demonstrate how he climbs one of his many tree stands. Watching him shimmy, for lack of a better word, up the tree did not ease any worries I have about him in the deer woods. In this picture he is showing me how his "safety harness" works. Needless to say, I don't feel any better.

Is that a cow grazing in the pasture? Oh no, it's just a beagle/heeler.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Go Hogs!

Today's the big day!! Arkansas, ranked 10 vs. number one Bama!

If you are not a football fan and you live in Arkansas or Alabama, I suggest you run your errands at 2:30 p.m. because it will be dead at the grocery store.

Please note that it is a Saturday at 8:30 a.m. Before I had a dog I would just now be rolling out of bed. No more. Mamie woke me up, as usual, at 6:30 a.m. Although I am happy that I've accomplished the following before 10 a.m.: walked the dog, scooped poop in the backyard, vacuumed, cleaned the kitchen.

But I digress.

GO HOGS GO!!!!!!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Easy Chicken Cordon Bleu

A few weeks after Beau and I began dating I made the mistake of cooking chicken cordon bleu. It turned out great but it was crazy difficult (you know, 30 ingredients.) Since I was madly in love I figured I could seal the deal if I proved myself as a great cook. As planned, he loved it and the rest is history.

Since the deal has been sealed for almost three years of wedded bliss, I am no longer looking to impress with anything over eight ingredients. It also has something to do with the fact that after working all day I'm really not looking to spend two hours in the kitchen cooking and another hour cleaning. So I'm sure you can imagine my dismay when my husband requested chicken cordon bleu for dinner this week.

Note to self: Never ask him want he wants me to cook for dinner ever again....unless it's his a year that ends in an odd number...and only if the current President is a member of the Green Party.

To my relief and to Beau's unknowing I discovered a super easy recipe for the dish.

Take your chicken breasts, coat them in SHAKE N' BAKE (no, seriously), place a few slices of ham and swiss cheese on the breasts, roll them up and secure with a tooth pick. Bake on 350 degrees for about 30 minutes and you're done!!!!

I realize that this is a horrible picture taken from my dang Blackberry but I needed a visual to go with the recipe. Although the chicken in the picture looks disgusting, in actuality it looked good and tasted even better.

I'm sure if Paula Dean is reading this (and why would she?) she is judging me.

She's Requested to be Referred to as "Fancy"

I thought my jewelry looked like it had been pilfered through.

I must say, she comes by her love to accessorize honestly.

And now you're thinking that I need a hobby or at least a child.

Monday, September 20, 2010

It Only Took Five Months

I finally got a portrait to go above the couch!!!

I have looked and looked and looked some more with no luck. I needed something pretty large and with a fair amount of color. Oh yeah, and reasonably priced. I ended up getting this at Pier One for half off!

Here's a better shot:

I really like it because it has all of the colors I've used in the living room. Although it's hard to tell, there is a blue in the flowers that matches the robin's egg blue table in the room.

I got it over Labor Day weekend with Courtney and Irish. We were in Court's SUV but really did not have room for the picture. However, I was determined to get it home and without
Beau's assistance (and truck). We made it work although I wish I had a video of us
three girls and the guy from the store wedging it in.

Oh, and the rest of the day I rode like this:

No pain, no gain.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Well, It's True

Being a news hound I am constantly checking local, state and national news sites. Today on Fox News' website they had a section for crazy vintage ads and this was one of them:

This takes me back to college......and not for the reason you may think! One of the toughest classes I ever took was communications research. We learned different methods of research (content analysis and surveys) and we individually conducted a huge research project and wrote a massive paper (a mini dissertation, if you will.) Being a history lover I chose to do a content analysis on WWII propaganda that used women. I think I analyzed close to 75 pieces but this poster was, by far, my favorite. Particularly the line, "You can't beat the Axis if you get VD."

Of course it's humorous but VD was a huge problem during the war so this poster was not without warrant.

I think propaganda today would read, "You can't text after you go blind from Gonorrhea complications."

Monday, September 13, 2010

Not Exactly the Saturday I had Planned

This past Saturday was the first Razorback game in Little Rock and I was pumped! Since I was going to meet up with my parents and friend Irish at 3 p.m. I had a very strict self-induced schedule for the day. Exactly at 1:30 p.m. was the time when I was going to shower and get ready so at 1:25 p.m. I took Mamie for an "outside potty."

Forgive me for the graphic nature of this post: after she had a bowel movement I noticed she had a string of cotton stuffing (like from a dog toy) hanging from her bottom. After examining the situation I decided it was not something I could remove myself so I called our vet.

Reader, take a breather and splash some water on your face before you get sick. Feeling better? Good, let's continue.

My luck: the vet was not on call so I was directed to contact the after-hours animal clinic in North Little Rock. When I did I was instructed to bring her in immediately as she would be highly susceptible to infection.

THIS WAS NOT PART OF MY PLAN!!!!! I had not showered, had no clue what I was going to wear to the game and really did not have time to take my dog to NLR. Of course, I had no other choice.

On my way to the clinic I called my friend Meredith who lives in the area because I wasn't positive on how to get to the clinic. Not only did Mere give me directions but she was at the parking lot waiting for us and with a Sonic sweet tea. I only wish everyone in the world had a friend like Meredith.

We were immediately put in a room where Mere took a few pics for us to remember the day when "Mamie Couldn't Void Toy stuffing." Here is one of the pictures:

I, by the way, quickly turned into a wreck when the vet explained she was going to take Mamie for x-rays and attempt removing the foreign object. I think it was the look of terror Mamie gave me as she was carried out of the room. Again, thank God for Mere who was there for comfort.

Time out. I bet you're wondering how Mamie got in this situation to begin with.

Well as I like to say, our puppy puts the "mame" in Mamie.

Please note our little killer:

See what I mean? However, she's never been known to eat the stuffing although she has ingested her fair share of rubber toy chunks (she easily passes those.)
*Side story: I recently bought her a glow in the dark Halloween rubber toy from the pet store and while in the back yard one night I noticed something was glowing in the grass..... Glow in the dark poop. True story.
Back to Puppy E.R.
After some time the vet announced she had successfully removed the stuffing blockage and that Mamie's x-rays came back clear (except for the food she had eaten before the drama unfolded.) Here is one of those x-rays which Beau and I have joked about framing:

Care to know what this little emergency cost us? $230 and a puppy with a bruised ego (and behind.)
Luckily, I was able to get out in time for the game. Before the game pictures, look at this cloud I saw the other day in Little Rock that look like a Razorback:

That or a beaver.
Here are a few pictures from the game. We, like always, had a great time. I just wish Beau had not been working but Irish was a great replacement. We tried to take a few pictures of ourselves but the heat and humidity was less than flattering for our appearance.

Needless to say it was an eventful Saturday but most importantly, Mamie is doing great sans toys that contain cotton stuffing. :)

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Shelter? What Shelter?

It seems like just yesterday that she was sleeping in a cage on a towel at Bryant Animal Control and eating Ol' Roy.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Fall! Oh Fall! How I Love Thee.

I've been counting down the days until fall since my birthday in June. It is, by far, my most favorite season. Care to know why? Let me count the ways.

Fall decorations. I cannot wait to put mums and pumpkins at the front steps.

Pumpkin Spice Lattes at Starbucks. AMAZING. FYI #1: I discovered the other day that if you go through the 'drive-thru' with your dog, they will get a cup of whipped cream for free. FYI #2: Mamie loves whipped cream.

Fall Fashion. Especially boots; riding boots. I also have a thing for jackets and coats.

Chili. Yum, Yum, Yum and Yum!

Fall Foliage. Although I'm worried that our fall won't be as pretty since it's been so hot and dry.

And last but not least;
College Football. Woo Pig Sooie!!!!

I hope you all had a great Labor Day Weekend! I did! Pictures coming soon.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Just Trying to Blend in at Walmart

We had a nice date the other night and afterwards dropped by Walmart to pick up a few things.
Of course Beau had to go to the outdoor section where he found a boonie which he said he needed (yeah right.)

Lookout ladies.
He said he looked like a serious hunter. Personally, I think he looks like he belongs in the jungles of Vietnam looking for 'Charlie'.
Of course I had to try it on as well.

I think the cardigan softens the look. Don't you?