Because I Don't Do Scrapbooks...

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Instead of Florida and Oregon, I Give you a Wreath Made Entirely of Candy

I realize that I have been a bad blogger.  I have had lots going on that I have to share, including my two recent trips, but have not gotten around to it.  So today I offer a fun Halloween craft, a candy corn wreath.

You need the following:
  • Candy corn (just to be safe, buy two bags) that has set out for a few days to dry

  •  A foam wreath
  • Black duct tape
  • Hot glue gun and glue
  • Some type of protector to spray on the candy corn to prevent melting and bugs
  • Ribbon

 Wrap the wreath in the tape, entirely.

Then glue the candy corn around the wreath.

Here is the finished product:

I've already run into the problem of melting because it has gotten warm in Arkansas so my advice is to watch the the temp and sun if you are going to use on your door.

Monday, October 17, 2011

We're Baaaaack!

We returned yesterday from a wonderful vacation in Florida.

Once I unpack, respond to emails and put Halloween decorations up, I'll blog about it.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Best Story at a Funeral, Ever

If you are offended by the title, I'm sorry (but not really).  I think it is so important to have laughter in the midst of grief.  In fact, I told my friends and family that when I die, there seriously better be a lot of laughing and celebrating going on instead of tears; with one exception.  Beau better be (or pretend to be) distraught.  I'm talking potato sack, ashes and a scene in front of my urn (I also want to be cremated.  Is a blog a legal will and testament?)

With this weekend came my cousin, Mitchell's visitation and funeral.  Although there were a lot of tears, there were a lot of laughs because to know Mitchell was to love Mitchell.  The best story came during the funeral from the preacher, Bro. Verne, who has known my cousin since he was little. 

"In all my years of preaching Mitchell was the only kid I knew who shook my hand after every children's sermon (held during the church service on Sundays).  All of you adults in the congregation thought it was cute but what you did not know was that as he was shaking my hand, he was giving a detailed critique of my sermon."

It was the perfect story in an imperfect situation and something that summed up our cousin who was gracious, kind and a literal genius from birth.  Bro. Verne also talked about Mitchell's ability to love and accept everyone even when his differences that stemmed from Autism, kept others from accepting him.   His life was a great lesson to all of us to love unconditionally like Christ. 

Through this I have been reminded of how many wonderful people my family has in our lives.  Specifically for me, my two best friends, Courtney and Irish and my in-laws.  From the second they all heard the news, they were praying, asking what they could do, sending flowers and food and at the funeral.  Thank you to them and all of you who have sent condolences and prayers.  It means the world in a difficult time.