Because I Don't Do Scrapbooks...

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Be on the lookout for a 44 pound Beagle/Heeler on Craigslist

Apparently Christmas time makes dogs behave badly. This is what I caught her doing last night. Yes, that is my dog wearing a wreath like a tutu. I'm not sure how she managed it but it happened, nevertheless. Note how she is after the second victim. Maybe she was planning on wearing that one too, like a circus animal or something. I really think the wreath skirt was unintential on her part. I would be willing to bet that she was tossing it up for one of her ever-so-famous arial maulings and the wreath just so happened to land that way.

I wish the picture could additionally convey how she unwrapped presents as I wrapped them. She really got a kick out of pushing the rolls of wrapping paper with her nose . No amount of spankings deterred this activity. In my desperation I told her that it was a shame for her to make Baby Jesus cry on his birthday. She then literally yawned in my face. In fact, the only person the message got through to was Beau because I heard his voice yell from down the hall, "KENDALL! DID YOU JUST TELL MAMIE THAT SHE MADE BABY JESUS CRY ON HIS BIRTHDAY???!!!!"

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